Monday, 26 March 2018

Decorative, fun to make, Easter eggs

These cute Easter eggs are really fun and simple to make. Why not host a workshop with your friends or family, and make lots of them?

Here is what you need: Small balloons (I used water balloons), cotton yarn, PVA glue, or other glue that will turn transparent when dry (I used ordinary wood glue), disposable gloves, a plastic cover for your table, some nice coloured ribbons 😊😊

This is how you do it:  
1. Inflate the balloon, and tie a knot in the end. 
2. Pour some glue into a small container. 
3.Dip the cotton yarn in the glue, inch by inch while you gently lay it around the balloon. Turn around and around to make the pattern random. It all may seem quite icky... But no worries. They will look great in the end. 

4. When you are satisfied with the amount of yarn, lay the balloon on a plastic surface to dry.
5. When it is fully dried, and the yarn has hardened, pop the balloon, and remove it.
6. If you have uneven edges, just pluck off the small bits of glue. (A nail file may also be useful.)
7. Select a nice coloured ribbon that goes with you choice of yarn. Tie it on top, and make a loop with a bow on it.. Your cute Easter egg is now finished, and ready to decorate your home 💜 
8. If you wish, you may fill them with feathers, but I think they look just as nice without.

 Happy Easter!

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