Monday 13 November 2017

Flower power hippie jeans (and sandals)

As I mentioned, we were attending a hippie costume party earlier. You already saw the t-shirt I made for my boyfriend, and here's how to make the jeans 😉

What you need:

1 pair of old jeans, preferably tight fit, some fabrics with flowers or other colourful fabric. Maybe some old curtains? A sowing machine ( If you are not VERY good at sowing by hand.. LOL..), thread that matches the fabric, blue in this case.. , scissors, measuring tape, and something to mark the fabric with. I used an ordinary soft pencil, since I am not good at this..😉😉

How you do it

Split the outer seam on each leg of the jeans up tho the knee. For my jeans it was 44 cm. Then cut out two triangles of the flowery fabric that has sides that match the length of your split. For me: 44 cm. Add a couple of extra centimeters on all three sides for seams. Then use pins to attach the fabric in your split opening. Remember to match right side and wrong side. Use the sowing machine to sow your triangles on, and fold them in the bottom. Easy peasy new hippie jeans!

I made shoes as well! 

Shoes were a problem for both of us.. But then I remembered that hippies were known to use sandals. I bought 2 pairs of dead cheap flip flops, and some plastic flowers that I think was made for scrapbooking or something.. I glued the flowers on with hot glue. Maybe not the most inventive of ideas, but it worked.. After all we did not want to spend tons of money on something we were going to use 1 day. So.. If you ever get invited to a hippie party. I hope you got some inspiration here. 😘

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