Tuesday 31 January 2017

Sisal rope string lamp

Today I will show you my new string lamp. I think it looks cool, and it gives a warm beautiful light to my hallway 😊
What you need:
1 Beach ball in the size you want your lamp to be,
Sisal Rope (Mine is 4mm thick.),
Wood glue,
1 disposable plastic container to put the glue into,
1 pair of disposable  gloves,
Olive oil or similar
1 lamp cord set

 How to do it:

Step 1. Put the gloves on. It gets messy 😉.

Step 2.  Inflate the beach ball, and rub it in oil.

Step 3. Pour glue in the plastic container.

Step 4. Slide the rope through the glue as you go along, and wrap it around the beach ball.
It will look good if you change directions randomly all the time. Make sure the rope is soaked in glue.
NOTE: Leave a hole around the inflator of the ball, big enough for your hand to go through. (To change light bulbs.) And one on the opposite side that is a little smaller than the ring on your lamp socket. It can be hard to start with, to get the rope to avoid the holes, but no worries. Once you have a little more rope on it, it will be easier, and you may also slide the rope a little to the sides before you finish off, to adjust the holes.

Step 5. When you are satisfied with the amount of rope, cut the rope, and leave the lamp to dry for about 24 hours. Put it on a surface it won't stick to. For instance some plastic rubbed with oil.

Step 6. When the glue has fully dried up, deflate the beach ball, and install your lamp set.
Your new lamp is now ready to bring light to your life 😊😊


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot for your comment :) Please let me know if you try it out :)

  2. This is awesome and something even I could do!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! It is very fun to make. Quick and easy. Please let me know if you try it out :)
