Monday 26 June 2017

Knitted ponytail hair band

These fun to make hair bands are great to keep your hair away from your face on a windy day, or perfect for the summer party. You can choose a colour that matches your favorite summer dress.

What you need: Some scraps of cotton yarn (50 gr=160 m), knitting pins 2,5 mm, some elastic, and a needle that fits the yarn.

How you do it:

Step 1. Cast on 22 stiches.

Step 2. Knit back and forth for 25 cm.

Step 3. Cast off.

Step 4. Fold the patch lengthwise, and sew it neatly along the side. NOT the short sides. It is supposed to look like a small knitted hose :)

Step 5.  Thread some elastic through your knitted "hose", and tie it together when it is as tight as you wish your hair band to be. Cut off the ends of the elastic. Then sow the two ends of your knitted hose together, around the elastic, secure the ends, and your hairband is ready to make your hair look great :)

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