Tuesday 7 February 2017

Knitted Valentine's candle jars

These are easy and quick to make. You may choose any colours you like. I wanted to make red and pink hearts, but didn't have pink yarn, at the moment, therefore it turned out one red and one purple.

What you need: Double pointed needles size 3,5 mm, some leftover yarn that fits the needles. (I used wool for these, but any yarn will do.) 2 glass jars approx. 8 cm diameter, a wool needle to weave the ends.
How you do it:
Red hearts jar:
Cast on 60 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with white yarn. Knit rib K2/P2., - three rounds. Then knit pattern:
The pattern should be repeated 3 times around, and it ends with K1 white round on top.
Knit rib K2/P2., - three rounds. Cast off, and weave the ends on the wrong side.
Purple heart jar:
Cast on 60 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with white yarn. K 3 rounds and continue with the pattern, which should end with 1 white round at the top. K 3 rounds and cast off. Weave the ends in on the wrong side.
Then just put your knitted cuffs around the jars. wrap some yarn around the top, and tie a bow 😊

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